A Special Birthday

Many, many years ago, on a special day in a special month in a special year, a special, chubby 8-pound baby was born. 

She had a special name: Grace.

This Grace had an older sister who was 18 months old.

Then Grace grew and grew.
This is Grace when she was 1 years old:

When Grace was 18 months old, she had a new baby sister. She was a big sister now. It wasn't so easy being a big sister.

Then, she had her 2nd birthday.

6 months after that, a baby brother came along. Grace was 2 and a half years old.

Grace loved her baby brother.

Grace kept on growing.

She was now 3 and a half. This picture was taken at the museum:

Then Grace turned 4.

Then 5.

Grace's older sister would often take Grace and her siblings on adventures.

Then Grace turned 6. This birthday was celebrated in Fuzhou, China.

Grace was growing so fast!

Then Grace turned 7. For this birthday, she had a special chocolate ice cream cake from DQ:

Now Grace was 8.

In the year she was 9, she did something called "Bible Bee" for the first time. She liked it a lot.

Then Grace turned 10. This was her 10th birthday:

Now Grace was 11. She got to celebrate this birthday in Beijing, China.

Grace is the only one in her family who is not born in the spring, so she got to have a cake just for her birthday! 

(usually the birthdays in the spring need to share birthday cakes, or else the Chem family will end up eating cake every 1-2 weeks in the spring!)

She got to celebrate her 12th birthday in Israel!

Then, she celebrated her next birthday in Taiwan with relatives, granduncles, and grandaunts. She got to celebrate this birthday twice!

Many years have passed...

Now, this Grace is the author of a blog.
That blog happens to have the same name as this blog. If you'd like to visit Grace's blog, simply click here (or stay on this page).

Now, the author of this blog (me), would like to write about Grace's most recent birthday.

Grace's birthdays were all very recent. The earliest one was less than a century ago! I, the author of this blog, would like to write about Grace's birthday. It makes the most sense to write about the most recent one, so that is what I will do.

In Grace's most recent birthday, she was in Israel. You see, she was born on the 6th day of Sukkot, and her family celebrated Sukkot in Jerusalem. So, she was in Jerusalem for her birthday.

She got to have a celebration for her birthday in a Sukkah on the 6th day of Sukkot.

This was her birthday cake:

On the day of her birthday, Grace got to have another birthday celebration.

Early in the morning on Grace's most recent birthday, she found a surprise waiting for her from her brother.

There was a flag, a sticker, a cookie, a toy figure, a container of jam, a paper cup, and best of all, a handwritten note.

Theodore's presents

On the note, it said,
"From Theodore:
Theodore talks
Theodore speaks 
Theodore walks
Theodore talks
Theodore speeds
Theodore boy
Theodore says
Theodore loves you"

"I'll give you a lotus... if you'll give me a... locust!"

"To: Grace:
Yes Grace!
Hi Grace!
Hey Grace!
Hallo Grace!
Cool Yipee
Wow Grace!
For Grace 
Lovely Grace"

Below is the note:

Theodore's note

Grace's brother also drew a picture for her. He wrote:

"Happy Birthday Grace!
Happy Nobirthday Theodore!

Below is the note that Grace's brother drew for her:

Grace's brother also folded an origami Hercules beetle for her:

On Grace's most recent birthday, Grace also received some wonderful cards from her friends in the US.

This card below was from her friend Bethany.

Inside the card was a heart with the verse Philippians 4:13 on it.

Grace also received cards from Julianna and Ruthie.
This card was from Julianna.

Julianna also wrote a note for Grace.

Ruthie also made a card and bookmark for Grace's birthday.
Below is what she gave Grace (everything except for the heart, which is from Julianna).

Ruthie also made a card for Grace. She also drew a cake with 14 candles.

That evening on Grace's most recent birthday, she had a wonderful surprise dinner.

For dinner, Grace and her family had shawarma. It was just like the time when she turned 12!

This is Grace's sister making a shawarma:

Grace's brother enjoyed his shawarma.

Grace also made a shawarma for herself to eat.

Grace loves to eat ice cream, so her brother made an ice cream cake for her!

He stacked up ice cream and dates into a cake!

The cake was really delicious! It was very special. There is no other cake in the world like it!

After eating the cake, Anabel gave Grace an envelope. Inside were little notes from her family and her friends in China. There was also a card from Anabel. Inside the card Anabel wrote a lot good things about Grace.

Then Anabel showed Grace a video she made for her birthday!

After that, the birthday celebration ended. Anyway, Grace's next birthday is coming up very soon in less than a year! Yay!

Where will she be for her next birthday?


  1. Wow, you sure have been a lot of places! =) This was great fun to read.


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