
Showing posts from July, 2018


On the Road On July 18th, we drove from Seattle to Canada. The drive was about 5 hours. On the road there, Theodore entertained us with stories. Theodore tells stories on the car In Canada We stayed in an Airbnb in Surrey, Canada. Surrey is a city near Vancouver. There were lots of trees around the house. It was like living in the woods. The front "yard" This is Anabel in the front yard: Anabel next to the trees This is our car next to the house. The house looks a lot like a cabin.  The Trampoline There was a trampoline in the backyard. It was our favorite part of the house. Theodore on the trampoline We found a giant bug in the house and let it go on the trampoline. Theodore, Anabel, and Catherine did lots of front-tucks and back-tucks on the trampoline. Anabel doing a front-tuck on the trampoline Theodore on the trampoline Grace (me) on the trampoline Theodore and Anabel on the trampoline Daddy a

Pacific Science Center (Seattle)

My favorite part about Science Centers are the interactive displays.  The Pacific Science Center had lots of interactive, hands-on displays! We all had a great time at the Science Center. The Well-body Academy of Health and Wellness is an exhibit for kids that teaches you how to take care of your body and stay in good health. There are four areas in the Well-body exhibit: Food and Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise, and Hygiene. At the Food and Nutrition  area, we learned to eat healthy foods and the correct amount of Calories. In the Sleep  Exhibit, I learned that we need to sleep enough. Exercise is very important for health. Hygiene Let's go upstairs to the WELLBODY LOFT! Exercise well, Eat well, Sleep well, Wash well, and LIVE well! The Age Your Face  Display showed you the bad effects of smoking, UV exposure, and obesity on aging. Below is Theodore at the  Age Your Face  Display: On the left is how Theodore would normally look at age 70, and on the righ