
Showing posts from October, 2018

Playgrounds in Israel

We got to visit lots of playgrounds in Israel! They are different from the ones in the U.S. and they are really fun! This playground was in the Old City, Jerusalem.  The swing was really fun! The park was really fun! You could slide down and also climb up! Sliding down! There were also two long blue slides! We also got to visit two parks in Tel Aviv. The first park was like an amusement park. It had like 20+ swings! This park also had two of the swings that we saw in Jerusalem! This park also had a giant playground with at least 12 slides! There was something that you could go on and it would take you down to the ground! Near this park in Tel Aviv was another park. It was really fun, too. On our last night in Tel Aviv, we also visited a park next to the beach! I hope you had a great time reading this post! Read more about our trip to Israel here: A Special Birthday Looking Back - the 8 days of Sukko

A visit to Migdal, Israel

After we visited the Sea of Galilee, we drove up to Migdal to visit our friends, the Gottfried family. Migdal is near the anicent city of Magdalene, where Mary Magdalene was from.  We drove to Migdal. Since our friends live in the countryside, they don't have an address. We got lost and we didn't know how to get to their house. Thankfully, we met their friend, who called the Gottfreids and told them where to meet up with us.  A few minutes later, a horse came trotting on the road with Josh (the oldest) and his aunt on its back. Beside the horse came the family car. We followed the horse and car to their house. We had a great afternoon with the Gottfrieds. The kids showed us their horse, Dusty, and their aunt gave us all a ride on Dusty. Dusty is a very obedient and calm horse. Below is Theodore on Dusty. Behind him, in the distance, is Mount Arbel. The Gottfrieds' aunt is very good with horses. She has been riding horses every since she was 6 years ol

The Sea of Galilee

We have already returned from Israel, but there is still so much more to write about from our time in Israel! I will be writing a couple more posts about Israel this week(s). After our time in Jerusalem, we spent a week in Tel Aviv. On one of the days in Tel Aviv, we rented a car and drove to the north of Israel, all the way to Galilee! On the way to Galilee, we visited our friends, the Hydes. We had a delicious lunch together and a wonderful time of fellowship. We were very encouraged by their testimonies. They have a ministry in Israel. It is called "Heart of God", and you can visit their website here: .  After we visited the Hydes, we drove to the sea of Galilee, also known as Tiberias.  Many things in the Bible happened here.  Jesus grew up around this area.  It is also here that Jesus called 4 of his disciples while they were fishing: "And as He walked by the Sea of Galilee , He saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a

Goodbye, Israel!

Sadly, our time in Israel has come to an end. It's time to say goodbye. We rode the train the to the Ben-Gurion Airport. Train Station: Anabel on the train: We arrived at the airport on time and passed through customs and security smoothly. We boarded our plane to China at 2pm. It's hard to believe that our trip in Israel has already come to an end. Time passes so fast! We are safely in the air! We can see the land of Israel below. I can see the coast of Israel at the Mediterranean Sea! At last, we are saying good-bye to Israel. We are already missing Israel! We hope to visit again in the future if the Lord wills. On the airplane, they showed us a safety video. Our airplane was from Hainan Airlines. To make the safety video fun, they added people in ancient Chinese costumes into the video! We had two meals on the plane. The meals were very delicious. My favorite part of the meal was the baguette. It was served warm. It is ve

Pets Surprise! continued...

Welcome to part 2 of  Pets Surprise! . If you haven't read part one, go ahead and read it now! Here's the link:  Pets Surprise! (part 1) So, we left off at: Once inside the stool, the hedgehog overturned the plastic box and fell down upside down.  Finally, at the end, we managed to get the hedgehog into a bigger box and put it in a corner in Theodore’s room, safe out of sight. Whew!  But our troubles were far from over. What would Daddy do when he found out that he had refused a bunny and now a hedgehog was in his house? And here is the rest of the story: After settling down the hedgehog in the cardboard box, the four of us kids gathered together in the kitchen to discuss plans. Our problem was to figure out how to tell our parents about the hedgehog so that we could keep it. As we were discussing plans, Mom walked into the room. We all stopped talking immediately. Mom could easily sense that we were up to something. “What happened?” she asked. We told