
Showing posts from August, 2023

OC Fair 2023!

When my siblings and I were younger, our family would go to OC Fair every summer. We have great memories from the Centennial Farm and the Read & Ride program. The last time I went to OC Fair was before the COVID-19 pandemic.  This August 2023, my sisters and I and some friends went to the OC Fair together (the rest of the family wanted to come but weren't able to make it this time). The Lord was SO good to us. We got good parking, the weather was cool, the sky was cloudy, and we had an amazing and memorable time. Selfie at the OC Fair with my sisters! Heroes Hall In the morning, we visited Heroes Hall and the museum at the site. When we entered the museum, we were greeted by a very sweet young lady who introduced us to the exhibit.  The first floor of the museum featured Stanley Troutman, a war correspondent during WWII. He is known for being the first to capture photos after the atomic bombs and for many other photos he took during the war.  War correspondents like Troutman di