
Showing posts from October, 2017

Fruits in Taiwan

     There are many fruits in Taiwan, and we got to eat a lot of them. Below are some of the fruits that we ate. Cherimoya      Cherimoya is very delicious. It is a tropical fruit. 文旦 (wen dan) This fruit, called 文旦 (wen dan) is similar to a grapefruits and pomelos. It is not as messy as grapefruit, but it is also juicy. Canned Plums      When we visited Yu Li (Hua Lien), we stayed at my grandpa's brother's house. While we were there, we ate the home-canned plums that my grand-uncle canned.  It takes two years before the canned plum are ready to eat. They are very sweet and salty. Sometimes, they are also given to sick people with diarrhea to eat as natural "medicine". Logans Kiwis      A friend of my Grandma gave us these kiwis. I don't think they are from Taiwan, but we did eat them  in Taiwan. Papaya      Papayas can also be found in California.  Inside, they are a red-orange color.  Papayas in Taiwan are very d

A day in Chi Shan, Taiwan (part 2)

After eating lunch, we visited the Chi Shan Zoo. The Chi Shan Zoo is a small, drive-in (/walk-in) zoo. As we drove in, we saw two brown horses near the gate. There were also a bunch of cows. We even saw a calf! It was soooo cute! Calf  We also had a lot of fun with the goats. The biggest goat tried to eat the leaves of the tree by climbing on the fence! Below is one of the smaller goats. Whenever we passed by, it would always climb on the fence and poke its nose through the wire. There were two tiny black goats.  We also got to see this cool animal! Too bad I forgot what its name was. :)  There were 3 emus at the zoo. Emus are  very  curious. They walk with you wherever you go. Ostriches! There were about 4-6 of them. This one reminds me of Big bird in Sesame Street. The Pygmy Hippopotamus! Very small for a hippo, but so adorable !!!      After visiting the zoo, we ate shaved ice at a small shop. We boarded the 5:25

A day in Chi Shan, Taiwan (part 1)

     Yesterday my aunt (my mother's cousin) brought us to Chi Shan, a place near Yu Li (my grandparent's hometown, where we are staying).        After about 20 minutes on the train, we arrived at Chi Shan. Since Chi Shan is in the countryside and far from big cities, the air was really nice there. We could even see the mountains from far away. Mountains Mountains      My aunt rented 2 four-person 'mini-cars' and we traveled in them during our time in Chi Shan. They could also be pedaled like bikes. My aunt, my two sisters, and me traveled in one car. My Dad, Mom, brother, and Grandma traveled in the other car. We were going to rent bikes in the beginning, but thankfully, we didn't. It was very hot, and even though the mini-car had a cover on the top, we all got sunburned in the end on one arm. Picture taken by my Mom. In front are my aunt, sisters, and me riding in the 'mini-car.'      After driving for a while, we came to a wa