A day in Chi Shan, Taiwan (part 2)

After eating lunch, we visited the Chi Shan Zoo. The Chi Shan Zoo is a small, drive-in (/walk-in) zoo.

As we drove in, we saw two brown horses near the gate.

There were also a bunch of cows.

We even saw a calf! It was soooo cute!


 We also had a lot of fun with the goats. The biggest goat tried to eat the leaves of the tree by climbing on the fence!

Below is one of the smaller goats. Whenever we passed by, it would always climb on the fence and poke its nose through the wire.

There were two tiny black goats. 

We also got to see this cool animal! Too bad I forgot what its name was. :) 

There were 3 emus at the zoo. Emus are very curious. They walk with you wherever you go.

Ostriches! There were about 4-6 of them. This one reminds me of Big bird in Sesame Street.

The Pygmy Hippopotamus! Very small for a hippo, but so adorable!!!

     After visiting the zoo, we ate shaved ice at a small shop. We boarded the 5:25 train back to Yu Li and ate dinner at my grandpa's family's house. It is a very old house, and my grandpa grew up there. Two of my grandpa's brothers are still living there. My grandpa's brothers have a stray dog named "a'fu", meaning, "blessed/lucky".
     Whenever we go outside, A'fu runs ahead of us and waits at the door. After we open the door, A'fu walks with us for a few seconds and then runs off to play with his dog-friends.

A'fu the dog


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