NEW BLOG!!! "Anabel and Fluffy Snowball"

Hello everyone! Have you heard of the new member of our family - Fluffy the Bunny?

Anabel has just made a new blog for Fluffy the Bunny! Check out the blog to see more stories, photos, and videos of Fluffy's life!

Here is the link to the blog:

More about Fluffy the Bunny (pictures from Anabel's blog):

Fluffy is the center of attention in our family! He stays in his cage in the patio most of the time (but he still gets frequent visits!). On cold days, we bring him into the living room for the night. Fluffy's main caretaker, Anabel, is an excellent caretaker. She visits him often in the day, and even gives him training sessions!

Sometimes, Fluffy even gets to go on walks!

Sometimes, Fluffy runs very fast on his walks, but other times, he doesn't feel like moving much. He also gets to take baths, which are extremely funny and fun! It's extremely adorable to see a bunny sneeze! 
Below are two videos from Anabel's blog. You can watch them to see Fluffy going on a walk and taking a bath!

Videos of Fluffy the Bunny (from Anabel's blog):



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