
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Jerusalem March

The Jerusalem March takes place each year during Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) in Jerusalem. People from all over the world (mostly Christians) come to Jerusalem and participate in the Jerusalem March to show their love for Israel. It is really amazing! Anabel and Theodore got lots of flags from the marchers. The ICEJ. There are marchers from all over the world! Marchers from Ivory Coast (Africa) Marchers from Austria: Marchers from New Zealand: More marchers! The mounted police are supervising on the right: Anabel and Theodore at the Jerusalem March. Marchers from Indonesia! There were also uncategorized marchers. There are flags and people from all over the world! Below are marchers from Guatemala! Below are marchers from Mexico and Maluku! Marchers from Korea wearing traditional Korean costumes! Korean Marchers holding banners that say "Israel are our friends!&q

The Israel Museum

Hello everyone! We are in Israel, the Holy Land! Today, on 9/25, we went to the Israel museum.  We rode the bus to the museum! We took bus 7 to get to the museum. Three stops, and we arrived at the museum! We visited the Israel Museum 2 years ago. That time, we looked at all the permanent collection exhibits. This time, we took a look at the temporary exhibit! The permanent exhibits were basically all about ancient artifacts and antiques. The temporary exhibit displayed modern art. It was very interesting and made us all think a lot. On display were all sorts of creative and interesting art. This sculpture below was made from a 3D printer: Do you see the table in the picture below? That one was made from metal and wood together! The exhibit showed us step-by-step how each of them were made. This matza-maker below is one of my favorites. The roller is used to flatten the dough. The matza-cutter (right) is used to make the dough into a circular