The Jerusalem March

The Jerusalem March takes place each year during Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) in Jerusalem.

People from all over the world (mostly Christians) come to Jerusalem and participate in the Jerusalem March to show their love for Israel.

It is really amazing!

Anabel and Theodore got lots of flags from the marchers.


There are marchers from all over the world!

Marchers from Ivory Coast (Africa)

Marchers from Austria:

Marchers from New Zealand:

More marchers! The mounted police are supervising on the right:

Anabel and Theodore at the Jerusalem March.

Marchers from Indonesia!

There were also uncategorized marchers.

There are flags and people from all over the world!

Below are marchers from Guatemala!

Below are marchers from Mexico and Maluku!

Marchers from Korea wearing traditional Korean costumes!

Korean Marchers holding banners that say "Israel are our friends!"

Chinese marchers beating drums and wearing clothes with the Israel flag on it.

Chinese people carrying sukkahs for Sukkot!

People from Japan. The marchers are wearing traditional Japanese clothing and carrying a banner that reads "We're from Japan. We keep Torah!"

Marchers from the Philippines come to show their love for Israel.

More marchers from China come to show their love for Israel.

Marchers from Taiwan, also wearing traditional clothing! "We love Israel" says the banner that they are carrying.

Marchers from almost every place in the world participate in the march.

People from all over the world join the Jerusalem March to show their love for Israel. Praise the Lord!

A lady gave Anabel a handmade hair-tie. A man from Australia gave her a kangaroo!

In Zechariah 14:16, it says,

"And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles."

This prophecy is being fulfilled! Praise the Lord!

Read more about our trip in Israel:


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