
Showing posts from July, 2019

Discovery Journal Unit Summaries!

Time passes so fast! It's so hard to believe that it's already the end of July! We've all had a great summer studying the book of Psalms through the Bible Bee summer study. In just one week, it'll be August 3rd, our Local Bee's Proclaim! Day. And then, one week after that, it'll be... the Online Nationals Qualifying Test!!! One way I love to review my Discovery Journal is by making summaries of each unit. Unit 1: Unit 2: (I tried my best to scan this one, but I just couldn't get one without cut-off edges. So, I've decided to attach both below... xD) Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Unit 6: Unit 7: Unit 8:

Sneek peeks of Huntington Beach Local Bee!

Here are some sneak peeks of all the fun we are having at Huntington Beach Local Bee this summer! Every Sunday since June 2nd, 20-some contestants and their families get together at Huntington Beach to study for the Bible Bee together! Our Local Bee's wonderful hosts are two sisters, Kristie and Joanna Tang! Huntington Beach Local Bee: Kristi, Julianna, Anabel, Hannah, Bethany Huntington Beach Local Bee: Theodore, Joshua, Daniel Contestant Introductions! (6/2- Anabel) Each Local Bee meeting begins with a lesson, which is usually about the Unit we studied in the Discovery Journal for the week. Kristie and Joanna (our co-hosts) pull names out of a hat each week. Whoever's name is pulled out gets to go up on stage and recite a passage in front of everyone! After that, we all get to play really fun review games! Buzzer Rounds - 6/2 (week 1) Then, we all go outside, and we have organized outdoor game time!  Finally, after games is