
Showing posts from October, 2019

At the Beach in San Diego!

Weekend family trip to San Diego! At the beach... Seashells... Scenery... "The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,  The world and those who dwell therein.  For He has founded it upon the seas,  And established it upon the waters." -Psalm 24:1-2 There was a hole in the ground that was connected to the ocean. There was a stream in it, and water flowed in and out with the waves.  It was pretty wide - maybe 3 or 4 feet at its width. Catherine decided to go for a challenge and jumped across! Tide pools... There were lots of plants, snails, and little crabs in the tide pools.  I wrote my name in the sand, just for fun. Everything in God's creation is so unique! I love the way the rocks at the beach are shaped - in some places they are smooth, and in other places they are jagged.  A little crab hiding underneath the rock: Uniquely shaped rocks: Seagull flying over rock island