
Showing posts from February, 2020

Wuhan, Wuhan, you are not alone!

Pray for the peace of Wuhan, China! As the coronavirus outbreak spreads, please continue to pray for the people of Wuhan, China (where the outbreak is concentrated) and for all those suffering from the outbreak. I would like to share a Chinese hymn written especially for the people of Wuhan.  Click here  for the link to the audio recording of this song ( Below are the Chinese lyrics along with the English translation by my sister Catherine. "Wuhan, Wuhan, You Are Not Alone!" Written and composed by Xiao Ming English translation by Catherine Chen 武汉!武汉!你不孤单! 武汉!武汉!擦干泪眼! 武汉!武汉!你要壮胆! 你的名字牵动着华人的心弦! 成千上万的天使向你走来, 血脉相连的同胞与你肩并肩。 上帝已兴起亚伦站立天地间, 瘟疫必止息不见! 灾难中要闭门思过, 逾越节的羔羊为你被献。 我们有责任为你昼夜求平安! 武汉平安! 中国平安! Wuhan, Wuhan, you aren't alone! Wuhan, Wuhan, wipe your tears! Wuhan, Wuhan, be courageous! Your name touches the hearts of your people. Tens of thousands of angels descend upon you, Shoulder to shoulder