Wuhan, Wuhan, you are not alone!

Pray for the peace of Wuhan, China!

As the coronavirus outbreak spreads, please continue to pray for the people of Wuhan, China (where the outbreak is concentrated) and for all those suffering from the outbreak.

I would like to share a Chinese hymn written especially for the people of Wuhan. Click here for the link to the audio recording of this song (http://www.zanmeishi.com/song/41507.html).

Below are the Chinese lyrics along with the English translation by my sister Catherine.

"Wuhan, Wuhan, You Are Not Alone!"

Written and composed by Xiao Ming
English translation by Catherine Chen




Wuhan, Wuhan, you aren't alone!
Wuhan, Wuhan, wipe your tears!
Wuhan, Wuhan, be courageous!
Your name touches the hearts of your people.

Tens of thousands of angels descend upon you,
Shoulder to shoulder your brothers stand with you.
G-d raised Aaron to stand between heaven and earth;
This plague shall cease and be no more!

During calamity reflect and repent -
Upon the altar lies the Pesach Lamb;
Night and day we pray for your peace.
Peace to Wuhan!
Peace to China!

Prayer requests for Wuhan

Please pray for the people of Wuhan, China. Your prayers and needed and will be heeded.

So Moses said to Aaron, "Take a censer and put fire in it from the altar, put incense on it, and take it quickly to the congregation and make atonement for them; for wrath has gone out from the LORD. The plague has begun." 
Then Aaron took it as Moses commanded, and ran into the midst of the assembly; and already the plague had begun among the people. So he put in the incense and made atonement for the people. 
And he stood between the dead and the living; so the plague was stopped. 
-Numbers 16:46-48

It is time for God's saints to rise up, pray, and intercede for the people of Wuhan, China, and all those affected by the coronavirus. We as believers in Jesus are a holy and royal priesthood, set apart to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2). The book of Revelation (chap. 5) describes our prayers as sweet smelling incense ascending before the presence of God.

Please pray for the healing of the sick and for their family members. Please pray for the frontline workers: the doctors, nurses, medical personnel, and staff. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for those in authority. Please pray for those still unaffected to turn to the Lord. God hears your prayers!


  1. Thank you for the reminder, Grace! I will add this to my prayer list and keep everyone in prayer.


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