
Showing posts from June, 2017

The flight to California

In the morning, a taxi drove us to the airport.  We went through security check, and walked to our boarding gate.  We would be flying on Asiana Airlines, and since my Dad was a diamond member, he could go the lounge for free.  He could also bring one person.  He wanted to bring my Mom, but it wouldn't be safe to leave all of us outside, so my older sister went with him.  The rest of us stayed at the boarding gate and reviewed/memorized our Bible Bee passages.  Below is my sister memorizing her early release passages. There are many planes going to and leaving the Beijing airport, so there is a lot of air traffic.  Most of the time, when we fly from Beijing, our airplane will be delayed, and once we missed our next flight because of the delays.  This time, the flight only delayed about thirty minutes, but after we boarded the plane, we had to wait some time before we could take off.  We ate an early dinner on the plane.  The chocolate cake tasted delicious. I sat ne

The night before our flight

On Monday, the day before we would leave for California, we (I and my two younger siblings) finished packing and decided to go for a walk since we would be leaving soon.  In was summer in Beijing, and there were many cicadas in the trees, like usual. Our friend helped us to take care of the tarantula for the time we would be gone, and another friend took care of our turtle.  Even though we didn't need to catch bugs for our tarantula to eat, we decided to catch some anyway and then let them go. Since we went out at night, many tiny bugs were on the lights.  They were fun to watch and play with. This is us watching the light with the bugs. When we were walking, we something flying in the air. I thought it was a moth, but it wasn't. My brother caught it with a plastic box and we found out that it was a beetle. After that, we caught another beetle, which was smaller, and also put it into the box.  Since the box was full, we put the box at home and w

Our pets in China

Our family LOVES pets! Here, in China, we have and have had many pets. Our Chilean Rose Tarantula was given to my brother by a friend.  We aren't sure yet if our tarantula is a male or female, but we think its most likely a female.   We feed our tarantula bugs and insects to eat (which my younger brother, my Mom catch) such as katydids, June beetles, butterflies, and more.  Our tarantula also spins webs on the ground.  In the picture, she is on top of her 'cave'.   In the daytime, we cover the tarantula tank with a cloth.  Sometimes the tarantula hides in the cave.  Once, we tried to feed her a small spider, but she didn't see it and stepped over it. In the video, the tarantula is eating a butterfly that my brother caught. One night, after it rained, we went for a walk. My brother caught this katydid in a puddle. We fed it to the tarantula at the end. When we were walking on the street, we saw these bunnies in a cage.  We