Our pets in China

Our family LOVES pets! Here, in China, we have and have had many pets.

Our Chilean Rose Tarantula was given to my brother by a friend.  We aren't sure yet if our tarantula is a male or female, but we think its most likely a female.  

We feed our tarantula bugs and insects to eat (which my younger brother, my Mom catch) such as katydids, June beetles, butterflies, and more.  Our tarantula also spins webs on the ground.  In the picture, she is on top of her 'cave'.  

In the daytime, we cover the tarantula tank with a cloth.  Sometimes the tarantula hides in the cave.  Once, we tried to feed her a small spider, but she didn't see it and stepped over it.

In the video, the tarantula is eating a butterfly that my brother caught.

One night, after it rained, we went for a walk. My brother caught this katydid in a puddle. We fed it to the tarantula at the end.

When we were walking on the street, we saw these bunnies in a cage.  We felt sorry for them because they would probably be slaughtered soon.

When we were at the river in Fuzhou, there were many people picking clams there (to eat). We also got some clams.  We put them into a jar and kept them as pets.  Sometimes, they would open up and stick out little white tubes. 

During spring many of this kind of insect are on leaves.  We found one in our home.

A friend gave us this pet crab.  The crab wouldn't eat anything and died at the end.

For my brother's birthday, another friend gave us ten silk worms.  Half of them became adult moths, and only one of the five who survived was a female.  At the end, the female laid lots of eggs.  However, the eggs hatched in the winter before there were mulberry leaves, so the caterpillars died.

In Beijing, we had two turtles and a baby turtle.  The baby turtle died because he wouldn't eat anything we gave him.  The bigger turtle ('Big Guy') in the picture is still alive, but the smaller turtle ('Little Guy') had something wrong with his eyes and died.

This turtle in the picture is Big Guy.  He is a carnivore and eats almost anything. My brother used to catch earthworms for his tarantula, and this time he tried to feed the earthworm to our turtle. The earthworm was hard to bit in half, so Big Guy gave up at the end.  His favorite food is snails.

In this video above, Big Guy eats a snail.

Our friend and her dad gave us 1 small snail, 2 medium snails, and 1 big snail to my brother for his birthday.  The 3 smaller snails died, but the biggest one survived.  The tiny snails in this picture are the biggest snail's babies.

My brother found caterpillars on a plant and brought them home.  He fed them leaves, and at the end they became moths.

This is how the caterpillars looked like.

This is a lady bug we found outside, on the same plant we found the moth and caterpillars. We caught tiny bugs for it to eat.

This is a tenrec that was in the bushes.  It looks like a hedgehog.  It is very cute, we wanted to take it home to be our pet, but we felt that it would have a happier life in the wild.

We caught two spiders for our tarantula, but they were too small.  So we took them out of the tarantula tank and put them in a separate container.  They fought and the crab spider ate the other spider.

My brother caught this moth for the tarantula.  It is very big, about two inches long.  Its wingspan is about 1 and a half inches long.  We were thinking about setting it free or feeding it to the tarantula.  At the end we fed it to the tarantula.


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