
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Humming Bird Aviary (at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum)

On our way back to California from Texas, we visited the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum! My favorite part of the Museum was the Hummingbird Aviary.  Here are some pictures of the hummingbirds. Enjoy! This little bird was eating from the feeder: Hummingbirds come in all colors, including green! One of the best places to find hummingbirds is next to the feeders. More little hummingbirds... Hummingbirds are small and hard to spot, but it's fun to find them! The best surprise of all: A hummingbird nest!!!

Our New Invention: Coconut Cream Pancakes!!!

Today, my mom invented a new delicious dish - Coconut Cream Pancakes! Ingredients : Flour, Water, Coconut Cream, Oil, Sugar. All you do is simply mix the ingredients together... And then cook it on the pan! Mmm... they tasted SOOOOOOOOO good! Enjoy! :)

Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

It's December 9th, and we are in New Mexico! Today, we visited Carlsbad Caverns, the biggest Cavern in the United States! It's impossible to even catch a glimpse of the beauty and size of Carlsbad Caverns through even 100 photos. You NEED to actually visit Carlsbad Caverns to understand how massive and beautiful it is. Inside the cave, we got to see stalactites  hanging from the ceiling and stalagmites growing up from the ground. We also got to see columns , which are made from stalactites and stalagmites that grow together. Stalactites Column Stalagmites It took 2 and a half hours to walk through the part of the cave that was open to the public. The cave is REALLY big! God is a really creative Creator. We could see funny faces on the cave formations. See if you can make out the faces! This is called The Whale's Mouth. Can you see the whale's mouth in the picture below? This special type of cave formation below is called &quo

On the way to San Antonio...

It's already 12/2! We're on the way to San Antonio, Texas for the National Bible Bee! After 20+ hours of driving, we're finally in Texas! On the road, we were reciting verses, reviewing CR's and Greek, listening to hours of sermons, dreaming about Bible Bee, and napping (the best way to pass time!)... Tonight, we're staying at a resort one hour away from San Antonio. Tomorrow is registration! As we were driving to the resort, we were surprised by a tarantula in the middle of the road. It was sooooo COOL! We really wished we could keep it as a pet, but we knew that it would have a happier life in the wild. We also got to see birds on the side of the road. In the evening, we went for a relaxing hike in the woods.  During our hike, we discovered some footprints. After the hike, we had a fun time playing games. Tomorrow, early in the morning, we will drive to San Antonio. It will be registration day for