Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

It's December 9th, and we are in New Mexico!

Today, we visited Carlsbad Caverns, the biggest Cavern in the United States!

It's impossible to even catch a glimpse of the beauty and size of Carlsbad Caverns through even 100 photos. You NEED to actually visit Carlsbad Caverns to understand how massive and beautiful it is.

Inside the cave, we got to see stalactites hanging from the ceiling and stalagmites growing up from the ground. We also got to see columns, which are made from stalactites and stalagmites that grow together.




It took 2 and a half hours to walk through the part of the cave that was open to the public. The cave is REALLY big!

God is a really creative Creator. We could see funny faces on the cave formations. See if you can make out the faces!

This is called The Whale's Mouth. Can you see the whale's mouth in the picture below?

This special type of cave formation below is called "popcorn".

This area of the cave is called "fairyland".

This part of the cave below is known as "Doll's Theater".

One of the most interesting parts of Carlsbad Caverns was the Chinese Theater.

Do you see the "actors" in the Chinese Theater?

Don't you think that these cave formations below also look a bit like people?

The cave was HUGE! It took over 2 and a half hours to walk through the whole thing. Carlsbad Caverns is over 1000 feet deep, and contains over 30 miles of mapped passages (only a small portion is open to the public).

We had a lot of fun walking through the cave and seeing all the different cave formations. No two parts of the cave are identical. The cave formations have been shaped by water dripping from the ceiling of the cave. This water is still dripping to this day, so the cave is also constantly (but very slowly) changing!

Below is one of my favorite cave formations. 

The entire cave was very beautiful and fascinating. Our Creator is just so creative! All of creation declares His praise.

Carlsbad Caverns is definitely a place we would like to visit again in the future. It is also definitely a place I would recommend people to see when visiting New Mexico.

See you all in the next post!!!


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