
Showing posts from February, 2019

Flying from Fuzhou to Beijing!

After 2 and a half weeks in Fuzhou, we returned to Beijing. Our flight was from around 4-7pm. We flew on Xiamen Airlines, which is our favorite Chinese domestic airline. They have very good service. This is the view of the airport as we took off! After a while, we began to see clouds below. Slowly, the clouds became more and more until all we could see were white clouds and the blue sky. We had about an hour of clouds. God's creation is really beautiful and amazing! "Do you know when God dispatches them, And causes the light of His cloud to shine? Do you know how the clouds are balanced, Those wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge?" -Job 37:15-16 There were A LOT of clouds. Sometimes, we went through a big cloud, and all we could see outside the window was a grayish-white color.  Occasionally, you could even see a rainbow in the cloud! "The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting co

Playing Basketball in Fuzhou!

Yesterday, we played basketball with our cousin! Theodore loves playing basketball, and he's pretty good at it, too. He made a lot of shots yesterday! Below is Catherine shooting a ball. She is very strong, and she plays well, too! photo credit: Anabel Chen Mommy joined in the fun, too! We all enjoyed playing basketball that afternoon! ~The End ~

Up in the Mountains of Fuzhou!

This week, we went up to a mountain in Fuzhou with some friends. Our friends have a cabin in the mountain, and they raise chickens.    The chickens range in color from black, brown, yellow, to white.  During the day, the chickens run free. At night, they return home and sleep in the trees near the house. Yes, the chickens sleep in the trees! There are many roosters in the flock of chickens. Below is one of them. The picture is a little bit blurry because the rooster is always running around and never stands still. They also have 3 dogs. The mama dog is 9 years old, and she has two sons. One son is 6, and the other is 1-2 years old.  The 6-year old dog is the most brave dog, and he likes to eat sweet potatoes. The mama dog is the most shy. In the picture below, the yellow-white dog is the 6-year old dog, and the darker one is the 1-2 year old dog. Our friends served us delicious home-grown baked sweet potato to eat! We ate them next to the cabin. The 6-year

Popsicles in Taiwan!

More about Taiwan... We got to eat delicious home-made popsicles in Taiwan! Popsicles are one of the special local products in this part of Taiwan.  Below is Theodore and I in front of the popsicle store: The word in front of the store,  "冰",  is pronounced "bing" . It means "ice", and it can stand for cold desserts like ice cream, shaved ice, and popsicles.. Each of us chose a different flavor!  Daddy chose durian , Mommy chose taro , Catherine chose pineapple , Anabel chose milk , Theodore chose black sugar , and I chose passion fruit . We were very happy that we could find one that Theodore could eat (he has allergy)! Daddy finished first, and then Catherine! Anabel and Theodore took their time and finished last! :) The popsicles were SUPER delicious!!! Below are the wrappers of all our popsicles (except for Daddy's). Can you spot the Chinese Character "冰" "bing" on the popsicles?