Up in the Mountains of Fuzhou!

This week, we went up to a mountain in Fuzhou with some friends.

Our friends have a cabin in the mountain, and they raise chickens.  The chickens range in color from black, brown, yellow, to white. During the day, the chickens run free. At night, they return home and sleep in the trees near the house.

Yes, the chickens sleep in the trees!

There are many roosters in the flock of chickens. Below is one of them. The picture is a little bit blurry because the rooster is always running around and never stands still.

They also have 3 dogs. The mama dog is 9 years old, and she has two sons. One son is 6, and the other is 1-2 years old. 

The 6-year old dog is the most brave dog, and he likes to eat sweet potatoes. The mama dog is the most shy.

In the picture below, the yellow-white dog is the 6-year old dog, and the darker one is the 1-2 year old dog.

Our friends served us delicious home-grown baked sweet potato to eat! We ate them next to the cabin. The 6-year old dog really wanted some, so we fed some to him. They say that he eats almost anything!

Eating sweet potato:

This chair below is made completely of bamboo! There is not a single nail inside it! The chair is made so that the pieces fit together like the pieces of a puzzle.

Afterwards, we went for a walk around the property.

We saw lots of different plants, trees, and flowers on our walk.

This is the tea garden below. The leaves can be used to make Red Tea.

There are also beautiful cherry blossoms during this time of the season! 

There is also an area with bamboo! The bamboo is very thick and strong!

We also crossed a narrow bridge and hiked up to a little hut on top of a hill. From there, we could see very far away.

Our friends also have a vegetable garden. They grow vegetables, radish, and sweet potatoes in the garden.

We had lots of fun pulling up radish from the garden!

Below are the radishes that the 4 of us pulled up from left to right in the photo: Theodore, Anabel, Grace, Catherine.

They also grow cilantro in their garden. It smells really nice!

Then, we returned to the cabin. Daddy and the adults drank hot Chinese Red Tea. Daddy let Anabel try some.

Below is a broom made from a special type of grass. The broom is actually very easy to use!

We enjoyed visiting the mountains in Fuzhou, and I hope you enjoyed reading about our trip, too!


Thank you for reading!

~The End ~


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