The Israel Museum

We went to the Israel Museum on Tuesday.  We walked to the museum, bought two adult tickets (children under 18 are free from 4pm-9pm on Tuesdays), borrowed 6 audio guides for each of us(in English), and entered the museum.

The audio guide is very helpful, and is available in both English and Hebrew.  Don't forget to ask for them at the entrance! 

This is the Shrine of the Book, where the dead sea scrolls are.

Model of Jerusalem.  Very fragile, don't touch the rails(/fence)!

A close-up.

The second Temple.

The second Temple from a different angle.

Here the audio guide is very helpful, but don't feel pressured to listen to all of it.

In another section of the Museum...

Try to walk across the bar without stepping on the cars!

The orange-yellow 'yarn' in the center is actually made of rubber bands connected together!  Every few minutes it automatically swings around in circles.

A work of art in the museum.  It may look like something very easy to make at the first glance, but a close-up shows that it is actually very complicated.

Some very, very, old coins.

Scientists used nano technology to make the smallest Bible in the world.  It is the size of a dot.

The Bible was on display in the center of the room. It was so small and you could barely see it!

Pharaoh in Canaan

An Egyption mummy.

Even more mummies!  When the tall mummy on the left was found, it was already broken. It had to put it together piece by piece.

Animal figures.

A beetle?

A necklace.

A snake.

There was a screen where you could type your name and the computer would show it written in the oldest alphabet in the world.

My sister typed in her name.

And this is how it looked in the ancient alphabet.

I tried my name.  It didn't look like my name at all, not even my Chinese name!

We tried everyone's names, even my sister's bunny's name!

There were some more animal figures - frogs, hippos, and cats.

A mummy of a lady, I think.  There is a real dead person inside.


Grinder made of stone.

Teeth marks.

There is even a bird's mummy!

Horns from a long time ago.

A different kind of stone grinder.

Many more stone animal figures.

A beaded purse

Many colorful beads strung together.

Fibers and cloths.

Basket woven of reeds.

Ostrich eggs.

Case for a dead animal.

Glass art. The sticks can be put together to make plates.

A beautiful glass plate.

It was made from very little pieces.

Different kinds of glass beads.

Water skin

A certain kind of armor found wrapped inside a helmet (below).


I went to Israel museum for a total of two times, so these pictures are a combination of both trips.


  1. Hi Grace! I think this is one of the places that A-ma and I didn't get to visit when we were there. It looks like a lot of fun! Were you able to walk across the bar without stepping on any cars?


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