Berry Picking (7/19)

     On the nineteenth, we went berry picking at Columbia Farms.  Some friends we visited in Oregon told us that we should go berry picking and that it was fun, so we went.  There was no entrance fee, but if you wanted to bring berries home, you needed to pay (2.35 dollars a pound).

Going berry picking.

     There were four types of berries for us to pick: Boysen Berries, Marion Berries, Raspberries, and Black Berries.
Sign at the entrance

Boysen Berries

Marion Berries
     We didn't pick any Boysen/Marion Berries (except for my brother, but all the berries he brought back were so mushed that we couldn't tell the difference between the Boysen/Marion and Black Berries) because they didn't taste as good as the other berries.

Raspberries (the sign says Cascade Delight).

      The raspberries were about an inch long.  I picked a lot of them.

Black Berries

      The Black Berries were huge!  The ones we saw at the store were usually at most an inch long, but these were over two inches long!  I picked the more of these than raspberries.
The berries we picked (except my younger sister's and my mom's).

     For fun, my Mom asked us to each guess about how much money/ponds our box was.  I guessed about six dollars or a little more for my box (the top left box in the picture).  My box was a little more than 5 and a half dollars.

     We all enjoyed berry picking, and someone even wanted to go berry picking again before we left for California!


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