The Badger Run Wildlife Rehab Presentation
At the resort where we were staying, there was a sign that showed all the programs they had at the resort. On Wednesday it read "Animal Show". We decided to go. The "Animal Show" was by the Badger Run Wildlife Rehab.
The Badger Run Wildlife Rehab helps injured/orphaned wildlife (mostly birds). After they fix the injuries of the birds, they release them back into the wild. For some birds, it was already too late when they went to the Badger Run Wildlife Rehab. Those birds could not fly anymore, could not hunt, or could not survive in the wild. They would be used for ambassadors for their species of birds, and would be in the Animal Shows that the rehab gave. All the Badger Run Wildlife Rehab staff are volunteers, so they survive only on donations.
The first animal ambassador they showed was a European Starling named Squirt.
European Starling: Squirt
They tried to let the audience pet Squirt, but she got frightened and ran under a table. The second animal ambassador was a red tailed hawk named Little Bit. When she was a baby, she fell from her nest 120 feet, and fractured many bones. Her wings healed crooked, and she cannot fly.
Red Tailed Hawk: Little Bit
The next was Ewok, who was a Great Horned Owl.
Great Horned Owl: Ewok
Like most owls, Ewok's ears were not even. One was a little higher than the other. This way, it would make it easier for him to pinpoint his prey. Ewok is small for his species, and he cannot fly.
The last animal ambassador was a Turkey Vulture named Dexter.
Turkey Vulture: Dexter
Turkey Vultures are extremely important because they eat dead animals and carcasses. Also, if they eat a dead animal with chorea or rabies or an illness, they won't be affected. However, if an animal was shot by a lead bullet and dies, they would die within 48 hours if they ate that carcass.
Also, when turkey vultures defend themselves, they use vomit. They can spit their vomit 10 feet, and it can melt steel. The staff never feeds Dexter before presentations.
After the presentation, we went back home and sponsored an animal ambassador on their web site:
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