Proclaim! Day at our Local Bee

It's hard to believe that we are already done with the Thrive Summer Study in James! So many memories and so many friends have been made during the Local Bible Bee meetings.

It feels like yesterday we just began the summer study, and now Proclaim! Day is already over! Time passes so fast!

Our last Local Bee Meeting

Our Local Bee's Proclaim! Day this year was on 8/4. At 9am, we began our recitations. After reciting, each contestant took the 8-question test. On average, it took about 5 minutes. I was really nervous beforehand because I might not pass, but I found out that it was not as bad as I thought it was.

After we finished reciting our verses and taking the 8-question test, we all went outside and played Capture the Flag until 11 am.

"Discussing Rules" in playing Capture the Flag

Playing Capture the Flag

11am was the "Awards Ceremony". First, we all had a chance to recite on stage. It was optional, and any contestant who wanted to could recite on stage.

Catherine recites 2 Samuel 22:29-31

Grace recites Psalm 68:4-6


Haig recites Matthew 5:3-9

Anabel recites Exodus 34:6-8

Bethany recites Psalm 68:4-6

Seth recites Psalm 103:20-22

Theodore recites Psalm 19:12-14

Samantha recites

Ruthie recites part of Psalm 56

Time for the awards! Everyone who finished their DJ and MP received a gift card!

My siblings and I

We played review games at every Local Bee meeting. Below are the winners of the games:

Game winners

Thank you to our game leaders for all the time and effort they put in to make our Local Bee meetings fun and exciting!


We had a potluck for lunch, and ice cream, too! After lunch, we also had some arm wrestling matches. Below, Theodore (junior) and Caleb (primary) are struggling in an arm wrestling match. To make it fair, Theodore is using one hand against Caleb who is using two hands.

Arm wrestling!

Chatting in the shade (It's hot in CA!)

Special thanks to the Ly Family for hosting our Local Bee! Thank you also to the Chew Family and the Ross Family for their support and help. Our entire Local Bee truly appreciates all that you have done.

You can visit our Local Bee's website at


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