The Taiwanese Market

The Market in Taiwan is a very fun and exciting place to be in. It is a lot like the Shuk in Israel.

The Market is noisy and crowded, and almost everything is sold there. You can find fruits, vegetables, purses, shoes, clothes, fish, noodles, pastries, hot pot, and even fresh clams and pig hooves!

We visited the Market around Lunchtime, so we looked for hot food first.

Below is Theodore eating the delicious sweet potato (the purple kind) pancake! The vendors made them on the spot, so they were fresh and hot.

We bought 2 for 50 Taiwanese yuan. Roughly 30 Taiwanese yuan equals 1 US dollar.


We also ate egg pancake with cheese. Daddy ordered one with cabbage in it.

The lady also made the egg pancakes on the spot! Each egg pancake was around 30 Taiwanese yuan.

We also bought roasted duck for dinner! The vendor said that they've been making duck for 21 years already!

Roasted duck vendor:

Another vendor sold nuts and dried fruit. We didn't buy any, but the nuts and dried fruit looked really delicious!

Each vendor specializes in one area: fresh fruit, dried food, fried food, meat, etc. This vendor below sold fried goods.

This vendor below specialized in Hot Pot Ingredients. We bought fried tofu from them. After eating the delicious Hot Pot Duck on 1/18, we are planning to cook our own Hot Pot at home!

One of the Hot Pot ingredients is made in the shape of bunnies. Can you spot the bunnies in the picture? 

We had a really fun time at the Market. We bought tangerines, guavas, brown sugar buns, fried fish, and tofu.

The Market closed at noon. We took the bus home.

We are having a fun and relaxing time in Taiwan!

Picture on the bus!

We are very thankful to God for this wonderful opportunity to visit Taiwan!


  1. This looks really fun!!
    The market sells so many different types of things! :D

    1. Thank you, Grace! :D
      We all loved going to the Market!


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