Grand Canyon (6/16)

Tuesday, June 16th 2020

We are in Arizona! We were so blessed to be able to visit the Grand Canyon!

"O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions—"
-Psalm 104:26

My family at the Grand Canyon!

Theodore, Anabel, and I (we took off masks just for the photo)

The Raven/hawk at the beginning of the 5-minute trail to see the Grand Canyon.

Rock formations.

The Grand Canyon!!!

photo by T.C.

by T.C.

On the trail:

by T.C.

by T.C.

Trees in the desert:

Between rocks:

by T.C.

Squirrel (all squirrel photos by T.C.)

Tree growing on rocks:

And finally... Freckles the bunny!

Surely, these wonders of nature points to God! Something as majestic as the Grand Canyon could not have come about by chance, which proves that God is real. He is the Creator, from whom and through whom all things exist.

May His name be praised and glorified!


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