Cold Water Lake (7/18)

     After visiting Mt.St. Helens, we visited Cold Water Lake. From what I remember, Cold Water Lake used to be a creek, but after the eruption of Mt. St. Helens was turned into a lake. Spirit Lake (which is right next to Mt.St. Helens) was previously used for recreation, but after the eruption, it was closed for research. Because of that, they stocked Cold Water lake with fish and opened it for recreation. We hiked on a trail around Cold Water lake. The view was really nice.  We could even see Mt.St. Helens from there!

Mount St. Helens from Cold Water Lake.

There were lots of birds swimming in the water.

Sometimes, they dunked their heads/bodies into the water.

My brother watching the geese.

There were signs that showed what kinds of amphibians and beetles were in the water. This is one of them.

If you look carefully, camouflaged in the sand (in the center of the picture) is a northwestern salamander.

They also had signs that read "Stay on Trails and Paved Areas Plants grow by the inch and die by the foot!"

     There are lots of trees, plants, and flowers around the trail. Below are a few pictures.

I liked these white flowers.  They looked a little like fake flowers.

I don't know what type of tree/plant this is, but it looked interesting

At the end of the trail, we came to a bridge where we could see Mt.St. Helens.  We took our family picture there.


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