Studying for the NBB - Overview of Colossians

     We are currently in Texas. After many days of traveling between states (driving), we have arrived here at last. I have a lot of studying to catch up on! To help myself remember the content of each verse in Colossians I summarized the surface content of each chapter with words and pictures.

Below are each of the four chapters:

Chapter one

Chapter two

Chapter three

Chapter four

     Well, after doing many practice tests (and the official test for qualifying to Nationals), I realized that not only did I need to know the content of each memory passage/cross-reference, I also needed to know the context. At Locals, I filled my 'Cross-reference list' with notes. I also filled my memory passages list with notes on the overview of the context (and also context and theme) of the memory passages.
     My handwriting is almost impossible to read, but to give you an idea, here are the two pages of my notes:

For all of the contestants reading this: Happy studying! Tomorrow is registration!
For all of the people who are not contestants: Please pray for all of the contestants to do their best and trust in God!


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