3 Special Fruits of Taiwan

More about Taiwan...

3 Special fruits of Taiwan & their Taiwanese names!

This fruit looks like banana, but it is not a regular type of banana. It is known as Ban Jiao. It has a stronger fragrance than regular bananas, and it is also sweeter.

Eat these when they are ripe!
The Ban Jiao in first picture below are not ripe and will not taste good. The ones in the second picture are ripe and tasted very good!

This fruit below is called Mi Zhao. It tastes like jujubees, but it is larger and juicier. 
Be careful when you buy these, because if they are overripe, they have a milky taste and don't taste very good.

Taiwanese people call this fruit below Lien Bu. It is juicy and sweet.

This fruit is also very expensive if you buy it in stores, so go to the market to get these. At the market, you can get about 12 for 100 Taiwanese yuan! We got to eat lots of these during our last few days in Taiwan.

Thank you for reading! 


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